Wednesday, 10 November 2021

How can technology scouting help companies to innovate successfully?


Are you a company? Do you want to innovate successfully? Then, one of the main hurdles to innovation is your regional way of thinking. But it is highly essential to be competitive and for that sound information on the upcoming technology is crucial at an initial stage. Thus, to be updated about emerging technologies, technology scouting services are best.

So, let's now get to know more about technology scouting…

What is Technology Scouting?
Technology Scouting is a chunk of the research trend, which mainly deals with the system and regular observation of the technological innovations and prior recognition of the upcoming technologies.

In disparity to technology watching, whose emphasis is on the tracking of existing technologies. The "technology scouting" can be recognized as the preemptive search for novice technologies. This similarity can be assisted by technology roadmaps. 
 Thus, technology scouting is an initial point for the long-term arrangement among trending external technologies and internal needs of an existing company for deliberate resolutions. The need for the planned technology management is administered systematically with the assistance of the roadmap, and functioning development and research is controlled persistently.

Growth Factors for Technology Scouting 
Considering the present scenario, several technology-concentrated organizations are highly interested in technology scouting. This interest is due to the specific growth factors:

Globalization: The globalization of technology innovation makes it essential to witness technology movements at a global level. 
 Short Cycles: The shortened development, as well as product life cycle, indicated that organizations have to enhance their development and research expense on one hand majorly, and other than competitive benefit from trending technologies are only for a short time.
 Tight R&D: In several industries, there is a huge pressure on R&D to be productive and effective. The major reason for this is the strengthening of the competition and concurrent increase in costs of R&D. The concentration on internal possessions is now no longer adequate. So, companies might need to focus on external technologies and ideas to sustain themselves in the market. 
 External Technology Sources: The enhancement alternative to external technology sources needs several organizations to track possible technology sources unceasingly. 
 Research Activities: In several organizations, prolonged research activities are mitigated. As an outcome, the capability to recognize and check main technological trends, mainly in research, is moderated. 
 Diversification: The increase in technological diversifications results that individual organizations are consuming enhancing technologies. 
 Massive Information: The enhanced workloads and impossible amount of data make it tough to recognize and monitor related technology trends and development. 
 Intricacy: The enhanced difficulty of the technology innovation establishes itself in an enhancing intersection of apparently discrete technology regions and makes it more complex to follow the trends individually. In various cases, assimilation of technologies comes to the forefront. The crucial success factor is thus no longer technological capable, but the selection of better technologies. 
 Open Innovation: The technology scouting is an essential element of the open improvement approach. The open innovation thus enhances the growth of technology scouting.

Technology Scouting Enhances Innovation 
"Technology scouting" expects not only technological changes and new markets but also decreases potential risks and mitigates pressure on the R&D section.

Enhance Innovative Strength
The technology scouting assists effective and efficient innovation management, mainly in innovation search area optimization, project management, and idea generation. The incorporation of peripheral ideas and technologies mainly enhance an organization's capability to innovate- without considering the size of the company and their R&D department.

Minimization of Risk of Unsettling Technologies
The unsettling technologies can substitute technologies and products much far as possible to overall sweep them off the market. The main key intimidation to competitiveness in several industries is the inability to recognize long-term technology or unsettling technologies. Occasionally, they rise outside their main industry. For instance, a blockbuster was one of the recognized market leaders in film and video distribution. But, due to Netflix, blockbuster has lost many consumers in three years and filed bankruptcy in 2010. In this technology, scouting acts as a saver which preserves technological trends or probable unsettling technologies.

Release of Internal R&D Section
Nowadays, internal expertise and resources are no longer adequate to meet the recent needs of the competition. In several cases, the abilities of the research and development department are highly small to guarantee the main degree of innovation for novice products in innovation cycles. Thus, technology scouting can reduce the burden on the internal R&D department and enhance effectiveness.

Recognition and Trend of Upcoming Markets
Corporate evolution is the main factor for the long-term success of an organization. Technology scouting assists an organization in recognizing upcoming technologies and their markets. Additionally, it minimizes ambiguities as per the technologies needed in novice markets.

Waiting for technology innovation passively is not enough in today's environment. Organizations need to thoroughly research existing as well as upcoming technologies to remain competitive in their market. For staying competitive, technology scouting acts as an excellent service for technological change. If you want your business to be productive, then take technology scouting services from experienced professionals to stay innovative.

What are the benefits of implementing business intelligence in a company?

Currently, the large amount of data bombards the world of business. Thus, it is essential to manage the business information quickly, which makes it easier to make informed decisions.

According to this idea, business intelligence solutions have emerged, which reduces the need for manual analysis of significant data content, and this is when business intelligence comes in. Business Intelligence can transform the data into useful knowledge to improve decision-making in small and medium enterprises.

At present, amid this pandemic, business intelligence is one of the primary weapons of the companies required to gather exhaustive information from the management processes, such as the company's development at a higher level than competitors.

Here are some of the excellent benefits which business analytics offers to all small and medium enterprises:

Enhances the company efficiency

Most of the time, companies waste their time finding or searching for the information received by their several departments and then trying to understand how business works from the data achieved. But with business intelligence services, the information is already in an organized manner and easy to understand. Thus, business intelligence helps understand the data to enhance decision-making.

It helps decide a precise way

Generally, in SME's decisions, the taking must be quick but mainly correct when pressure suffocates the organization. So, wasting time identifying information from a large amount of paper is not of great help. BI helps recognize the information quickly as it is in a systematic way and guarantees taking decisions quickly and accurately.

Obtaining Vital Measurements

It enables achieving vital measurements in several fields. For instance, you can get the figures on sales made by some distribution organization.

Organization can never be driven by the beliefs and intuitions of some speculations and events.

Business Intelligence system offers transparent and precise data based on historical, real-time, and trendy data based on the information it manages.

Business intelligence consulting solutions can offer valued information about the customer's behavior and allow the analysis of data about the products purchases and frequency through which it makes the purchases and many others.

What can be obtained from this? Primarily the loyalty of the customers and this manner makes the SMEs more profitable. With the information gathered by BI solutions, the incorporation of cross-sales can be carried out for every client. Benefits can also be achieved through the exit of other products that are highly profitable for the company.

Additionally, BI consulting solutions enable control over several departments of the companies such as purchasing, warehouse, sales, production, marketing, after-sales services, human resources, among several other processes.

In every process, the primary data relevant to the company is managed. Having all the information in an organized way can help understand it better and check where bottlenecks are in the organization. This, in turn, helps in minimizing the error while deciding for a business.

BI solutions help businesses to exploit opportunities and gain in-depth knowledge about the business functions carried out by organizations. This would help remember the important points to take instant action and boost up the company level that you can never think of.


Are you thinking of taking your business to the next level? Then, take BI consulting solution from business intelligence service provider company Ingenious e-Brain. Our team is highly experienced in offering the bestowed solutions to help your business get productivity.

Tricks and Tips to Know About Patent Illustration


Are you searching for patent drawings or patent illustrations?

Then stop your search here…!

This blog is about the tricks and tips about patent drawings and their essential in patenting an idea.

An invention can be grasped easily when it is done through textual description with some views of drawings. (change this line)

Patent illustrations or drawings play a vital role in your patent application. Even you have a phenomenal way with words to describe your invention but utilizing patent illustration is an excellent way. The patent drawing incorporates the comparison with the related prior art search. If you want to increase your chances of getting your application granted, make sure that your specifications, as well as claims, stand out. Patent drawing is a simple hack that can be utilized to maximize your chances. If your drawing is accurate, a judge can make a better decision in cases of patent infringement.

What is the need for Patent Illustrations?

Do you know patent illustration is significant as it can describe an invention with details? So, patent drawing services help to ensure that your invention stands out from prior inventions.

Patent Drawing assist in achieving the best possible disclosure

It is better to have drawn such that a reader can take reference while reading invention description. Patent drawing provides an opportunity to display your invention in a better way. Several illustrations might show different or exploded views, but several parts of the invention are suspended in the place.

Provide Particular Idea of your Invention

The patent drawing helps in giving a specific idea about your invention. Additionally, the patent office has several rules for the drawing, so make sure to get your drawing from an experienced patent illustration company.

Patent Claims Required to have Patent Drawing at Filing Time

Technically, it is possible to file a non-provision patent application without any illustration. But patent drawings are meaningful. Thus, it is better to be safe than sorry.

A Patent Illustration not just explains your invention better, but it is also a need under US Patent Law. Your application may not stand out if the description is generic or vague. The reason behind this is that it is easier to search an overlapping prior art for it. Make sure that your description of the invention required to be distinct and elaborated. Thus, incorporating patent illustrations is advisable.

Importance of Patent Drawing

Pictures speak more than words, but an excellent patent drawing might prevent you from thousand frustrations. The initial patent application which accidentally omits something in a written application required knowing that a detailed drawing can save the application form rejection.

An excellent patent drawing is a drawing that is elaborated enough to visually provide main information about innovation, incorporating the data missed in the actual description.

If you are a new investor who wants their invention to be passed without any hassles. Then, consider professional patent drawing services while filing your application.

The main benefit of filing a patent application is to grab filing dates that can be utilized to validate the priority of your invention. A good patent application covers a complete aspect of the invention at the time application is filed. The patent application can help you increase your chances of getting approval for the patent application.

As the elaboration of patent drawing is highly crucial, so hiring a professional patent drawing company is an ideal choice.

Points to Consider Before Submitting Patent Drawing

· Patent offices have some criteria related to technical details of drawings which they accept

· The applicant needs to pay more heed to the details of drawing prior to sending for filing

· Patent drawings required to meet requirements of the country where the patent is filed.

Techniques of Patent Illustrations

The patent drawing needs to meet up the standard requirement of patent offices which mainly varies from country to country for several drawing categories.

It completely depends on the inventor or patent illustrator to select user interface as per feasibility through which they can make the best patent drawing with technical description. The more precise your patent illustration, the more chances of getting it approved.

Generally, patent drawing requires more attention while representing the details like claimed characteristics without any vagueness. When seen with textual elaboration, the drawing offers a good understanding of the invention and its characteristics.

The inventor offers a rough sketch of their invention with a patent drawing. Also, they can get professional help from a patent illustrator company.

Why hire Patent Illustrator to get your application filed?

The patent service providers are highly qualified in offering high-precision patent drawings with precise technical details.

Patent illustrators in IP service provider companies provide patent drawing services as per the patent office requirements. Hiring a patent illustrator helps your patent application to be granted. The examiner will clearly understand the invention by looking at the drawing. So, hire the best patent drawing company and get your patent application approved.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

How Due Diligence Service Helps In Avoiding Making The Wrong Business Decision?


Thinking of a business acquisition or want to start your own business? Or, you want to expand your business by acquiring other small businesses? Or, you only want to add a new product to your company? If your answer is Yes to any of the above questions, then it is imperative to know about "Due Diligence" and how it can help you avoid making the wrong decisions for your business.

So, let us not waste time on anything and get started with what is Due Diligence.

"Due diligence is an examination of a person or business before signing any contract."

A common instance of due diligence in several industries is the procedure via which a possible acquirer examines a targeted organization or its services for an achievement. The theory after the due diligence helps in executing business operations after thorough examining that contributes business to make an informed decision by getting an ample amount of quality information.

What is the reason to Conduct Due Diligence for your business?

Due diligence in both done online and offline for the business to make any major investment must be checked from several views to unfold all the risks that can impact decision-making or final negotiations.

Thus, taking due diligence service is an important step for the business to commit to any legal contract. If due diligence is conducted entirely, it provides complete inner satisfaction to sellers and buyers simultaneously.

How to process due diligence?

The small and medium business's due diligence is a complicated and long process. It incorporates going through business insights, business records, examining references, seeking items that the organization has veiled, and lastly, ensuring everything is evaluated.

It is advised not to conduct due diligence of your business on your own; instead, hire an expert. Having professionals by your side will help you gain better and insightful information.

When you initiate the due diligence process for your business, you must sign an agreement with another present business owner. Signing this agreement means you agree not to communicate individuals or any business for any other data about business without the approval of other business owners involved. This secures other businesses from hastily knowing about the sale before it has been done.


Due Diligence: Application

The review of the due diligence is mainly carried out more constantly by the business owners. Consistent guidelines are being framed to maintain large responsibilities and transparency at the level of management. Due to the enhanced national legislators, globalization is likely to include international business relations. 

Organizations usually try to secure their negative legal consequences and financial losses by utilizing the due diligence process. Here are some checklists of possible risks:


Damage of Reputation


The organization associated publicly with criminal activities or corruption loses the trust of customers or their business partners. If it has been known that you are associated with any criminal business partner, it can affect your reputation. 

·         Economic Risk of Buying 


An appropriate buying price needs to be determined for the organization's merger or acquisition. The respective weaknesses and strengths of an organization offer data about the object of quality to buy. There are some financial risks likely to come when the business partner in the future neglects legal standards, which can only be unfolded later. 


·         Financial Risk in Business Relationship


When you form a partnership, some risks at business might occur. If your organization gets some profit with some crime committed by your business alliance can result in fines. 

·         Legal Issues


If your business fails to do due diligence, you would be subjected to breaking the Foreign Corrupt Practices act. Thus, it is essential to take due diligence services before proceeding with any mergers to ensure complete safety and compliance.


·         Due Diligence Checklist 


With due diligence, a business can indeed look at various aspects of their business product or services. The business due diligence will help individuals to work through the procedure. Thus, make sure to work with an experienced company to remove or add the necessary steps.

Let us now check out the checklist of due diligence

·         Financial Due Diligence

The financial due diligence incorporates checking and weighing the financial weaknesses and strengths. This involves the current as well as future financial situation. Additionally, this includes some aspects such as cash flow, as well as increasing capital and earnings.

·         Commercial and Market Due Diligence

Commercial due diligence mainly focuses on the organization's marketability, and company facets play the main role. In this way, you can easily evaluate the organization and put your primary focus on purchasing and sales. This diligence discovers the following: Who are your suppliers? How effective is the supply chain? You can also check the management of raw materials. Does your organization open growth opportunities in the business area? This will open up the potential for your business's future.

To evaluate the organization and its position in the market, other diagnostic step concentrates less on the organization itself and more on the market field where it functions. Check out your bigger competitors and which services and products can contribute to attaining success for your business. 

This market due diligence helps in evaluating how the market has been developed. New competitors, mergers & acquisitions, or market downturns in the last five years can greatly impact your decision to buy. Also, if possible, take the survey of customers to know about the reputation of the organization. 

·         Tax due Diligence 

 In addition to the current situation of tax, this diligence evaluation incorporates future developments of tax. As the buying, itself involves consequences of tax, and this kind of data is highly important. The examining also involves probable group or transformation tax. The evaluation of risk is specifically essential. Also, buying raises several sets of questions which includes:

Will loss be carry forward be retained?

What kind of taxes are payable directly on a purchase?

Will the price of buying be inscribed?

What kind of options for financing are highly efficient in tax law?

·         Operational Due Diligence

This kind of due diligence mainly deals with companies' target work procedures. The industries mainly choose operational due diligence. The professionals also determine whether a business plan presentation is feasible with the given possibilities. The financiers mainly need this kind of due diligence to check risk linked with optimistic regular expense operations.


·         Technical Due Diligence 

Technical due diligence is one of the essential risk evaluations in the acquisition of real estate. For instance, it is carried out when someone purchases an organization with the facilities of industries. Any individual who wants to have a technical due diligence process carried out requires professionals for creating technical facilities. The control of the goods is also involved. As per the branch of industry, you might have possible risks of fire hazards, explosion, the possibility of radioactive or chemical evaluation. The assessment unfolds the cost that is acquired to keep our assets in a good way. 

·         Environment Due Diligence 

This due diligence assesses the organization for compliance with international and national environmental terms. You are required to ensure that your target has all the necessary approvals. Environmental management is now becoming highly essential worldwide, mainly in the industries of manufacturing. 

In the businesses of real estate, you must understand properties location before buying:

Is the building contaminated with pollutants? 

Assessing the risk of the location and special need for environmental preservation

Does industrial utilization have any negative impact on the environment?

Is there any contaminated site that might be a danger to the environment?

The evaluation of environmental and technical collapse to some extent. For instant, risk evaluation of pollutants utilized in production. 

·         IT Due Diligence

This due diligence is also recognized as digital due diligence, which is highly important if you purchase an IT organization. Several organizations now make use of computers. Some maintain their systems, and some use licensed products which need to be checked before buying. With due diligence service, you can unfold the likable compatibility issues and security gaps.  

·         Legal Due Diligence

This due diligence evaluates all the legal scenarios available in the organization. Additionally, you are required to check the organization's ownership structure, which might have distinct legal forms. In this manner, you can ensure that you are not required to pay for the extra shares during your takeover. 

Identifying the rights of the patent is also an essential part of this evaluation. Moreover, IP due diligence is a more detailed breakthrough in this field. At the time of the legal audit, your professionals are required to check the buying contract, which is a prerequisite to monitor false data. 

·         IP Due Diligence

This due diligence acronym is "Intellectual Property Due Diligence," which includes evaluating the organization's intellectual property. This due diligence involves registered patents and different other things. Some big companies sometimes might have large legally protected trademarks. These might involve some logos, patented recipes. Additionally, examine which licenses the organization grants and which one it utilizes. This incorporates manufacturing processes, software, and other property rights. 

·         Strategic Due Diligence 

This due diligence mainly deals with the financial potential of the target. The planned investors get an advantage from this evaluation. The professionals usually consider several risk factors, determine recent scenarios, and create a potential merger's future forecast. For this, they evaluate the object of purchase into consideration. Some of the important aspects involve:

o   Legal framework 

o   Value chain 

o   Analysis of competition 

o   Analysis in the market such as trends and demand

o   This type of risk assessment involves many fields and serves to get maximum revenue strategy for the investors.


Due Diligence: Best Step to Ensure Safer Investment

Not considering whether you are a private investor or an owner of a small enterprise in some companies: major investments result in bigger projects and large profits. Whether you want to identify tax fraud, money laundering, or other environmental frauds, due diligence is essential. In this scenario, companies that do not act about their finances and jobs might lose more than their return on investment.

Suppose you are seeking companies that provide due diligence service. Then, hire Ingenious e-Brain, which can help you in making an informed decision.

Why Is Freedom to Operate Search Important for Organizations?


The companies conduct market research before launching the product to ensure that they have a successful product. Organizations might have distinct reasons of their own to conduct market research. Some of the reasons are below:

  • Check if there is any requirement for their product
  • Recognize the market to launch its product 
  • Know about the competitors 
  • Build a plan for marketing
  • Come up with the pricing

It is essential to conduct market research, but also it is crucial to find out if your product has the Freedom to Operate (FTO).

Now you might be thinking if this has to be done by obtaining a license from the government professionals. But, this is nothing to do with the license. FTO is relevant to find out if your product or process will infringe the claims of issued or pending patent applications. If it infringes, then you are required to strategize the launch of your product according to it.

Do you know what is FTO or Freedom to Operate and why you need to consider it?

In simple words, FTO is the freedom to commercialize a process without infringing on the rights of other patents. Commercialization of the infringing products might result in expensive lawsuits. Thus, an FTO search is highly essential to carry out before the product's launch in the market.  

How is FTO Search conducted?

It is required to be noted that the rights of patents are territorial. For instance, if anyone has a patent over a particular kind of "laptop" in the US and not in the UK, then one can launch that "laptop" in the UK without the stress of infringing the US patent. Thus, an FTO analysis for any process or product is particular to a territory and considers the patents in the region. So, if you are going to commercialize any product and want to determine whether you have the freedom to operate in the US, related patents in the US are considered. 

To seek out, if your product is infringing on the patent rights of others in some country, a search is needed to discover all the related patents in that country. This search will consider the granted patents and patent applications that are not yet granted into consideration. 

Now you might ask why to consider the patent forms that are not granted and how your product can infringe such patent forms. Well, to answer this question, a published patent might be granted in the future, and once a patent is granted, they have the complete right to sue some product that has infringed their patent rights. 

Why carry out FTO search analysis, and what advantages can you gain?

The Freedom to Operate search is required to be carried out at an initial stage of the development of the product, such that you do not acquire vast costs of development in the process of developing infringing products which do not come in a legal issue later, as the charges of infringement. 

Some of the advantages of FTO are listed below:

  • Reduces the risk of getting sued by other companies for having infringed upon their patent rights.
  • The FTO search can dig out the patents deeper, which have been expired. Additionally, there might be several useful technologies that can be utilized from these expired patents.
  • Get a list of patents that are related to your technology or products and help you build strategies like:

o   You are purchasing the patents related to your product to get the FTO rights in that region.

o   It is getting a license from the patent holder for a particular time by working out a payment option. This will provide you with the complete right to operate without infringing on the other patent rights.

o   If you have a patent of your own, you can cross-licensing the patents to get the benefits.

o   Redesigning your product/service in a way such that it does not infringe upon other patents rights

o   Invalidate and try the patents in question such that you can gain FTO in the desired region.


At last, Freedom to Operate search is an essential step that every technology organization must take before launching their product in the market, such as avoiding costly lawsuits and getting the knowledge about strategies they can adopt to get FTO in the concerned territory.

Are you a technology company? Want to launch your product in the market? Then, get FTO analysis done by the Ingenious e-Brain experts. We can provide you with a complete search and help you adopt better strategies. 

Monday, 11 October 2021

Tactics to Enhance Technology Scouting Services


Recognizing cutting-edge technology is the initial step of technology scouting. The main key for the technology scouting services is to exploit the perfect opportunity at the right time. With this blog, we have gathered a list of tactics that can help you streamline the process of technology scouting:

Explore unknown

The massive of new startups and patents has made scouting more important than ever. Data gathering is becoming much difficult. Due to this, technology scouting becomes the main process for organizations to remain competitive and enhance their R&D process. When the companies are less of ideas, the challenge has become to recognize the high-value opportunities.

To constantly get these valuable opportunities in the process of scouting, initially make a clear criterion of what you are looking for and how it aligns with the strategy you make.

Next, use the search and marketplace tools to explore the opportunities.

Set up the notification on technologies or companies of interest. The best idea is to track and re-engage when time is perfect.

Utilizing all of the searching efforts, you will be capable of discovering the unknown from your overall scouting process. Seek the right opportunity to enhance time to grab the deal.

Minimize the number of tools utilized

After gathering the information from the scouting initiatives, what will you do with it?

When information is stored in several systems, data silos make it tricky for colleagues to see information in various locations. The tools used for the technology scouting services by technology scouting companies do not scale with your company's growth. Using a systematic approach leveraging a purpose-built tool for assessing the tech scout opportunities.

Managing the portfolio of opportunities in one place to mitigate silos of data and excellently coordinate communication among geographies, departments, and partnerships to open up the available knowledge of data. Having the information at your fingertips enables you to ask the right questions and make effective business decisions.

Create a team for collaborators

As the partnerships and opportunities continuously grow, it has become tough to connect with the team to discuss the possibilities. The team assesses several technologies per month that face issues of re-assess the opportunities and create unmanageable operations. Managing the partners has become inefficient and difficult without any framework for communications. The opportunities might slip via cracks as there is not any way to monitor communication and potential partners.

Coordinate items across your team and build visibility into several ongoing interactions for better and quicker decisions. This solves the communication and enables everyone to be aware of the responsibilities from initial. Additionally, simplify the projects with the external partners by enabling them to collaborate and communicate in real-time.

At last, make the crucial data visible to all by monitoring your pipeline visually to check which opportunities are currently accessed in which state gate to ignore duplicate efforts.

Identify success

Communicating your success to the management is important for evaluating just the achievement of the team but recognizing which partnership. Only it takes one success story for the management to support your innovation program. The challenge lies in seeking partnership data, financial information, and all details related to your presentation. Gathering the data from the external partners takes time. By the time you can accumulate information, your success story will become irrelevant.

So, initially enhance the visibility into ongoing interactions to get all the data at your fingertips wherever you are across the globe. It enables to keep everything organized and detailed for telling a story. Additionally, actively manage and update your enhancing pipeline to ensure that the presented data is relevant and exact. Streamline the process of gathering financial details and information from the partners for adequate information.

Finally, add valuable data to your stories from recent news. The startup you access might have had a significant investment worth adding your story.

Recognize trends in tech scouting puzzle

Reporting is important for making productive decisions which is crucial for the process of tech scouting. Do not be a team that displays metrics on your impact or risk becoming a waste mitigation target. Still, it can be challenging to accumulate information from departments and conferences and compile it in a relevant report. The data spread across several documents and sharing websites makes it a big nightmare to get all information and build exact reports.

For making the reporting easy, initiate by using a single enterprise system to manage the reporting. Be meticulous in monitoring each opportunity without letting it slip via cracks.

So, what tactics are you using to enhance the technology scouting services, and how are you managing to grow a pipeline of opportunities. Tell us through your comments!

How Patent Landscape Help Businesses in Enhancing R&D Strategy?


It is a fact that each organization and industry domain has different IP policies and R&D priorities. But, all of them share an identical challenge whenever it comes to considering and capturing IP. But the real question is, at what point in time do they need to start?

Businesses consider R&D initially, and then IP as research and development activities have yielded an intangible technical solution. Identically, academics perform early searches of published papers.

However, with research and development activity mainly focused on the crowded technical fields, organizations and academics are starting to know the requirement to include IP strategy in their R&D activity. If managed well, IP can assist in boosting and focus R&D efforts and reduce the risk of investing in technological advancements, which might unnecessarily complicate existing prior art.

Patent Landscaping

Instead of searching for existing prior art for a solution in the innovation, patent landscaping can framework the existing technical field. It can quickly outline the technical fields that focus on development and white space, which might tell future R&D tactics.

The early patent landscaping is distinct from the traditional searches to evaluate patentability search as, at this stage, a technical solution might not exist. This is the case where landscaping helps during the scoping of an R&D activity.

The main key benefit is the starting recognition of existing solutions. Taking patent landscaping services earlier enables strategic decisions regarding product development. The outcome might suggest a white space prospect.

Additionally, wherever technical disclosures are originated, analysis can mark the available technical areas. The crowded landscape areas are not likely to boost wide patent rights while recognizing unoccupied fields of the technological landscape can assist in R&D efforts towards the field, which are more likely to gain huge patent protection.

When an existing solution is found, some options incorporate:

· Using existing solutions freely where there are not any active rights in countries interest.

· Licensing existing solution

· Gaining IP to strengthen business

All these strategies can save R&D expense and reduce the time of product development. This saves R&D expense which can be redirected to any other development.

Mainly patent landscape denotes all the required features of the area of land. Identically, "Patent Landscaping" is a procedure to build a pending patent overview or in the process in a specific area. In a way, the patent landscape can be defined as mapping pending, existing, and patents in the place field. There are several formats to report analysis, such as reports published.

Several Uses of Patent Landscaping Incorporate:

· Support development of an organization's IP strategy.

· The understanding of the competitive landscape in R&D areas.

· Recognizing the upcoming technologies trends within a domain.

· Supporting improved targeting of industrial and innovation policies and examining their influence.

· Recognizing the networks of knowledge and inventors among industry and countries.

Why Are Patent Landscapes Conducted?

patent landscape is done based on a particular reason. Generally, the patent landscape is done to understand one or more of the following:

· Businesses which look forward to developing a new product in a specific field

· Help organizations to grow and create business tactics or plans

· Assists organization recognize their competitors

· Assist organizations to determine the main field

· Minimizes the risk and recognize field for future growth

Advantages of Patent Landscaping

Patent landscape analysis assists in making an informed business decision and enhances the degree of confidence. Data gathered through the patent landscape enable the business to make decisions based on informed choice and evidence and recognize future growth areas.

The most important advantage you can have from patent landscape analysis is to incorporate deep insights into the product, technology, and competition you have selected to do research. From research, you can gain a large understanding which is below mentioned:

· General advancements/Technology trends — Recognition of promising fields of technology:

· Assessment of trends in technological sectors in relevant to larger areas

· Recognition of overdeveloped fields

· Development in duration and scope of patent protection

· Connections that exist among applicants and critical investors

How does the Patent Landscape work?

The perceptions of landscape analysis unfold hot spots as per competition, players, regions, market, and prospects for the business.

The patents can be apprehended by several keywords and class-based techniques. The search techniques might further incorporate assignees, citations, and inventors of recognized patents. Search parameters can be customized according to the specific needs of clients.

While examining, apprehended patents are characterized under several standards, and this stage gives a general idea of what exists in the present. As per areas of interest, patents are further analyzed to gain data as per need taxonomy.

This data points out the details of innovation in the existing state-of-art, which assists researchers in drawing differences with their innovation. This data is mainly represented as a collective analysis of characterized patents.

Insights of Patent Landscape Analysis

The landscape analysis is mainly represented in the graphic format, which shows a timeline trend- additionally separating distinct assignees, main markets. Some other impacting factors are also recognized in the landscape:

· Main players in the technical area of interest

· New applicants in the technical area of interest and recognizing any licensing opportunity

· Location with priority filings

· Top researchers for technical areas of interest. Recognizing inventors working in main sectors. This is important as part of R&D techniques to collaborate with the best researchers

· Application area of innovation corresponding to the location

· Technology classes with main research

· Data about innovation offers opportunities for acquisitions to enhance existing innovation.

· Timeline based comparison of different innovation in a sector assist in recognizing areas which are outdated, and which are upcoming

Why Choose Ingenious for Patent Landscape?

Ingenious e-Brain has a team of highly experienced professionals who offer patent landscape analysis solutions as per the goals. The team can provide custom-based patentability searches, which are excellent to perform non-patent searches for insights.

Utilizing this elaborated data, clients can modify data and get the insights as per their objective. Additionally, we also offer a visualization dashboard that helps the client dicing data and get insightful data as needed.